Heroic works. A catalogue of contemporary bookbindery
Happy to announce that one of the works of Siberiana Books appears in beautifully published catalogue of the International Competition Designer Bookbinders 2017.
This year the main topic of the Competition was a hero and mythology. Ieva Rusteikaitė, a bookbinder of Siberiana Books, has created a fine binding for “Des dieux et des hommes. Études de mythologie lithuanienne” (PUF, Paris, 1985), a study of Lithuanian mythology written by the great semiotician a Algirdas Julien Greimas. You can find more details about the binding here.
It is an honour to appear on the side of a group of beautiful and well made contemporary creative bindings. It is also good to see that the art and the craft of bookbindery is kept alive in so many countries.