Bibliotheca Curiosa
Bibliotheca Curiosa. Eds. S. Rankelienė, I. Saudargienė. Vilnius: Vilnius University Publishing House, 2016. Lithuanian and English versions.
A dos-á-dos type binding for an illustrated catalogue of curiosities found the antique archives of Vilnius University Library. The book was exhibited together with other works of the members of the Guild of Bookbinders of Vilnius in the Vilnius International Book Fair 2018.
A one-side book measures 22 x 33,3 x 2 cm. For book cover there are used dark brown leather, two types of handmade decorated paper, gilding with finishing hand tools.
The concept of the binding includes a special box with seven separated cases for excerpts of an authentic XVIIIth century text printed on the old rag paper. The samples of original old material are fixed with metal pins.