BOOKbinders BOOKs
In the beginning of May Bookbinders Guild of Vilnius has invited all the book and book art lovers to the exhibition BOOKbinders BOOKs, organized together with Nacional M. K. Čiurlionis Art Museum in Kaunas, Lithuania.
It is one of the biggest exhibitions of the Guild from its establishment in 2003. It welcomes to see more than 60 books and tends to reflect the wide range of activities held by member of the Guild. The great samples of artistic bookbindery, historical book models, reconstructions, and historical marbled paper patterns are shown together with photographs representing book conservation field to which numerous members of the Guild belong.
As a member of the Guild, Siberiana also participates in the exhibition with several artistic and historical works. Moreover, her binding of Melville’s Moby Dick was selected by organizers as a face of the exhibition and as a main element of its poster. How good is that, eh?
Despite of all the obstacles produced by pandemia on this spring, You are kindly invited to plan your visit in beautiful city of Kaunas!
In order to create conditions for everyone who wants to visit the exhibition, it will be open to visitors until the end of this summer.
The exhibition is open from 05 05 2020 until 09 08 2020
Nacional M. K. Čiurlionis Art Museum, V. Putvinskio st. 55, Kaunas, Lithuania.
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