20th Anniversary of Bookbinders Guild of Vilnius
This week and exhibition “Ryšių ryšiai. Vilniaus knygrišių gildijai 20” dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Bookbinders Guild of Vilnius has been opened in the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania. I am happy that several bindings, among them a deluxe binding of antrininkė and the binding of Rousseau’s Letters on the Elements of Botany also form part of this beautiful event.
The exhibition celebrates the two decades of activities of the Guild. In 2003, the thirteen founders of the Guild undertook a unique initiative to continue the activities of the old Vilnius bookbinders’ guild, which had been operating in Vilnius from the late 16th to the late 19th century, and thus to maintain the traditions of a rare bookbinding craft in Lithuania. Since then, the Guild members have been creating a small Lithuanian oasis of unique and collectible handmade books by studying historical bookbindings preserved in Lithuanian and foreign libraries, actively participating in exhibitions abroad and in Lithuania, organising various bookbinding and paper marbling workshops, and giving lectures.
The exhibition presents the works of the guild members, marking the path from craftsmanship to artistic and experimental bookbindery. The exhibition shows some reconstructions of historical book structures, works that have taken part in foreign exhibitions and competitions, artistic and experimental bookbindings and examples of handmade marbled paper.

The exhibition open until 18th of February, 2024
Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, Exhibition hall, Gedimino ave. 51, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Opening hours
I – V 8.00 – 21.00
VI – VII 10.00 – 18.00
Free entrance.
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